- When was this book written by Lu Xun? 这本书是鲁迅什么时候写的?
- When was this building constructed? 这座楼房是谷时建造的?
- When was this land conveyed to you? 这块地什么时候归你名下?
- When was this port open to service? 那这座港口是什么时候开港的呀?
- When was this section of the Great Wall built? 请问这座长城是什么时候修建的呀?
- When was this? You may as well come out with it. 这事是何时发生的?你索性全讲了吧!
- When was this power station built? How about its installed capacity? 这个电站是什么时候建的?装机容量是多少?
- So when was this connection between earthquakes and catfish first made, and how was it expressed? 那么,地震与鲇鱼,究竟是从什么时候开始、因什么样的状况而被联系在一起的呢?
- I want to ask a question: what's wrong with Tian Zi Yi Hao? And when are this Dao? 提个小问题,天字一号是怎么回事?上面这两把刀是什么时候的呢?
- Be this the right stop for Boston college? 波士顿学院是否这站下车?
- When was slavery outlawed in that country? 那个国家何时宣布奴隶制为非法?
- Be this the right way to denver? 这是到丹佛市的路吗?
- Be this the:20 fast train from Shenyang? 这是从沈阳开来的9点20分的快车吗?
- To conserve water, it became a requirement to install smaller capacity water cisterns for all buildings. When was this enforced? 为保存水,要求每个建筑都安装一个小型水塔。什么时候开始强制实行的?
- Be this a through carriage for Suzhou from here? 这是从这里去苏州的直达列车吗?
- She expands only when being praised and flattered. 她只有受到表扬和奉承的时候才喜笑颜开。
- I'm sorry it should be this way. 很遗憾,事情竟会是这个样子。
- Be this right for the subway station? 去地铁站从这儿走,对吗?
- When was the watershed of this change? 她由盛而衰的分水岭是何年代?
- When are you next going up to Scotland? 下次你什麽时候北上苏格兰?